A long time ago it seems like, a ewe and 2 lambs came to be at our farm. They were Katahdins and we’ve continued with that breed to this day. A few goats have also landed on our farm from time to time, they add some personality to the farm and give the rams some company when they need to be in time out from the rest of the flock. Lots of times I’ve heard people say that they don’t like the taste of lamb, but I’ve never heard it after I’ve cooked up and served up our lamb, or mutton for that matter. The meat from hair type sheep (like Katahdins or St Croix) is said to less “gamey”, and grass fed lamb (which ours are) is not going to have as much of that strong flavor from the fat that you sometimes get. That said, this is rich flavorful meat that is good for you and good for the environment. And as everything on this farm is connected, the sheep are vital to the fertility of the vegetable garden. I’m working on an appendix of research material talking about these food topics so that you can dive in if you are so interested. I’ll link here when it’s ready.